Dr. Brook Azie-Rentz, a Naturopathic Doctor specializing in Primary Care, Women's Health & Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Allergy Testing at AIM

By Dr. Brooke Azie-Rentz   It is the end of the year, wow it has gone fast!  Most of you are thinking about holiday parties and decorating and what to give up for the New Year…I am thinking about how I can help our patients get every last penny out of their insurance before the … Continued

Allergies and Energetic Medicine: Get Your Feet on the Ground

By Dr. Bridgett B. Simon                 As spring moves in, the season can bring environmental allergies that make you want to hide indoors. In energetic medicine, I take a little different approach.  The practice of Earthing has become a term coined for having contact with the earth against your skin, such as the feet when … Continued

Manipulate your Allergies

We know that chiropractic adjustments and natural manipulations can help with muscle and joint pains.  But did you know that they can help your immune system and help alleviate symptoms of seasonal allergies as well? Seasonal or not, all allergies are the result of an exaggerated response by the immune system to substances that are … Continued

“I’m not crying, it’s just allergies!”

Herbal Allergy Treatment, by Dr. Rhea Abbott If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you probably have a love/hate relationship with plants (or maybe just a hate/hate?). Grasses, trees, weeds…they’re the cause of our most miserable symptoms, from watery itchy eyes to that constantly dripping nose.  But before you write off all pollen-bearing lifeforms as your enemy, … Continued

Dr. Brooke Writes About Treatment With Allergy Drops

The Baltimore Sun published an article last week on the remarkable effectiveness of sublingual allergen drops in lieu of traditional allergy shot therapy. A link to the article, which summarizes the findings of the doctors at Johns Hopkins who studied the drops, is here for your convenience: http://touch.baltimoresun.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-75049766/. Weighing in on the matter, and explaining why she has … Continued

What is AllergyEasy?

Spring is just around the corner, and so is allergy season. An estimated one in four people  suffer from allergies in one form or another: sneezing, watery eyes, sinus troubles, asthma, frequent ear infections, persistent cough, skin irritation, headaches, muscle or joint pain, hyperactivity, and/or mental difficulties including confusion, slow thinking, and depression. Traditional treatment, … Continued