Skin Brushing, Friction, and Energy

by Dr. Bridgett Simon, ND LAc We often hear that our skin is our largest organ and it is true. It protects us physically from the elements as well as bacteria and microorganisms. Energetically and metaphorically skin also acts as a boundary.  During energy work, I am often creating protective boundaries for people’s energetic system. … Continued

Allergies and Energetic Medicine: Get Your Feet on the Ground

By Dr. Bridgett B. Simon                 As spring moves in, the season can bring environmental allergies that make you want to hide indoors. In energetic medicine, I take a little different approach.  The practice of Earthing has become a term coined for having contact with the earth against your skin, such as the feet when … Continued

Manipulate your Allergies

We know that chiropractic adjustments and natural manipulations can help with muscle and joint pains.  But did you know that they can help your immune system and help alleviate symptoms of seasonal allergies as well? Seasonal or not, all allergies are the result of an exaggerated response by the immune system to substances that are … Continued

Allergy Easy; Sublingual Drops; Allergy Testing at AIM

by Dr. Brooke Azie-Rentz Spring is here, and along with it comes some very familiar sounds….birds chirping, bees buzzing, frogs croaking… and people sneezing!  Pollen, the lifeblood of nature that brings renewal every year but plays havoc on the immune system in 10-30% of the worldwide population, is back!  And this year it’s looking like … Continued

“I’m not crying, it’s just allergies!”

Herbal Allergy Treatment, by Dr. Rhea Abbott If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you probably have a love/hate relationship with plants (or maybe just a hate/hate?). Grasses, trees, weeds…they’re the cause of our most miserable symptoms, from watery itchy eyes to that constantly dripping nose.  But before you write off all pollen-bearing lifeforms as your enemy, … Continued

Bedroom Rules for Better Sleep

As a sleep specialist, I’ve noticed we often turn to pills (whether natural or pharmaceutical) as solutions to our sleep troubles, while totally overlooking the basics – your bedroom! Our sleep environment is full of subliminal cues and you can make a big impact on your sleep just by the way you interact with your bedroom or conduct your nighttime routine. Read on for in-depth discussion of how each of these Bedroom Rules plays a role in the restfulness of your nights!

Homeopathy and First Aid

by Dr. Liat Engel, ND Now that spring is in the air and we are all finding ourselves wanting to spend more time outdoors. Activities like hiking, bike riding, running and swimming are all wonderful opportunities for getting our bodies and spirits out of the sleepy hibernation mode of wintertime. Naturally, increased physical activity and … Continued

Winter: A time to wait for the sun to rise

by Debbie Yu, MS, L.Ac   Chapter two of the Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine) says:  “The three months of winter, they denote securing and storing…  do not disturb the yang [qi] go to rest early and rise late you must wait for the sun to shine (Unschuld)”   Winter … Continued

Healthcare in America: The Elephants in the Room

From the Married to a Doctor Series of Op-Eds By Jashar Rentz, M.Ed. AIM CFO and Operations Director I made a big change this year.  I left a career in education and educational leadership, and took on the challenge of supporting Dr. Brooke’s dream and vision of health and wellness care.  Turns out, I have … Continued

Athletes and Energy Work: Getting the Most out of Your Game

  by Dr. Bridgett B. Simon, ND LAc   Hello AIM community, it is a pleasure to talk to you. My area of specialty is acupuncture and energetic medicine. I know another acupuncturist is speaking to you on the acupuncture so I will focus on reiki, chakra healing and grounding work.