What’s the best IV to get right now: AIM Multi-Vitamin or AIM Anti-Viral?

by Dr. Daniel Riordan IV, ND With COVID in the news and promising research on High Dose Vitamin C, Patients have been asking lately what the big difference is between our AIM “Multi-Vitamin” IVs and AIM “Anti-Viral” IV’s, and which one might be better during this pandemic. The main difference is the amount of Vitamin … Continued

The Spring Cold and Flu Season

by Dr. Brooke Azie-Rentz The holidays have come and gone and Spring is in the air, but the cold and flu season is going full steam ahead, and it is bad this year.  Here at Alpine Integrated Medicine, we believe that prevention is the best medicine, but sometimes that is not enough.  Here are some … Continued

Be Prepared: Cold v Flu

by Dr. Joy Chou, ND Fall is that quintessential time of year when kiddos faithfully head back to the classroom and become exposed to a plethora of germs and viruses. Those pesky pathogens inevitably invade the household, often resulting in torturous hours of fever, cough, body aches and utter physical defeat. Of the potential culprits … Continued

From the Vault: Season of Dryness! Some helpful tips…

by AIM Staff Fall is all about gathering resources and preparing for a cold and fruitless winter – a process that takes place all around us. Animals gather food and prepare cozy shelters and plants drop off leaves and seeds as resources are concentrated into the roots. As the seasons change, this process also starts … Continued

From the Vault: Healing with Honey!

By Dr. Brooke Azie-Rentz Recently I attended a conference on pain and wound healing at which one of the lectures was on bee products.  We talked about bee sting therapy, propolis, royal jelly, and all kinds of honey, with a focus on Manuka honey.  Seeing that this month’s newsletter was about the skin, I thought … Continued

Pass the Word Instead of the Flu

With fall comes colds and flu.  With only a week of school gone, some students are already feeling the effects of influenza.  For some, this illness causes mild to severe respiratory distress, runny or stuffy nose, malaise and fatigue that typically last for weeks. However many of our patients have found that they have been … Continued

Cervicalgia (neck pain) – an Eastern Approach

By Erin Alberda, LAc One of the most common ailments I treat as an acupuncturist is neck pain.  Some days the sheer volume of patients coming through my office with very similar complaints has my intakes sounding like a Dr. Seuss rhyme – does it hurt you when you move your head?  Does it hurt … Continued

AIM Acupuncturist Erin “David Letterman” Alberda’s Top 5 (sometimes unexpected) Reasons to get Acupuncture”!

  by Erin Alberda, LAc In the spirit of David Letterman’s retirement, we thought this was fitting!  Here are the top 5 reasons to get Acupuncture at Alpine Integrated Medicine:   Digestive Issues/Food Allergies.  While acupuncture will not fix food allergies, IBS, chrohns or colitis, acupuncture is extremely beneficial in treating some of the sequelae: … Continued

What’s stress got to do, got to do with it?!

by Dr. Brooke Azie-Rentz, ND Stress-noun- a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.   As I sit here writing this article that is 2 weeks late, dealing with new hires, family in town, ailing family out of town, young children and where to send them to … Continued

Chinese Medicine’s Take on Stress, specifically Cortisol and Vitamin B6

by Debbie Yu, LAc Acupuncture and Chinese medicine constitutes a whole medicine, but can often be difficult to understand due to language (qi, blood, yin, yang, zang-fu, meridians, etc). There are more similarities between Eastern and Western medicine than you may think. Continue reading for a correlation between cortisol and “Liver qi stagnation” and the … Continued