Petra on Plant-Based Diets and their connection to the Gallbladder

by Petra Davis, RYT Spring is a great time to detoxify, and lighten the load on our organs. Gall bladder disease is often caused or exacerbated by poor diet, including processed foods and animal products. So this spring, you might consider a plant-based diet for the good of your gallbladder and your overall health. Plant-based … Continued

Read the April Newsletter–Gallbladder Health and Diet!

Hi Folks, This month is all about the gallbladder, and how it relates to digestion.  Make sure to click the link below for a PDF version of the Apr 2014 Newsletter that is written monthly by AIM Staff.  As always, we work hard to bring you the best health information possible around our monthly theme, and … Continued

Spotlight on Yoga: Uddiyana Bandha Explained

Energy flows throughout our body through nadis or channels, an intricate system that connects at the chakra points and has storage points called ‘bandhas’.