What’s the best IV to get right now: AIM Multi-Vitamin or AIM Anti-Viral?

by Dr. Daniel Riordan IV, ND With COVID in the news and promising research on High Dose Vitamin C, Patients have been asking lately what the big difference is between our AIM “Multi-Vitamin” IVs and AIM “Anti-Viral” IV’s, and which one might be better during this pandemic. The main difference is the amount of Vitamin … Continued

IV Spotlight: Chelation Therapy and Heavy Metal Detoxification

Heavy Metal Chelations using EDTA Ethyl Diamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA) was developed in Europe in the first half of the last century for use in industry and water purification (removal of lead).  In 1940s, the US naval physicians began noticing numerous incidents of lead poisoning among sailors assigned the duty of painting warships.  Since EDTA … Continued

Free Radicals and Anti-Aging

As an integrative practitioner of family medicine, in addition to working with chronically ill people using IV nutritional therapy, I work with athletes to improve their performance and to speed their recovery and even to regenerate smoother and healthier skin. In today’s society, it feels like we are always on the go and oftentimes we … Continued