Yoga as a Means of Easing Heartburn or GERD

by Shannon Funk, RYT GERD, also known as acid reflux or acid indigestion, is a common condition where because of a valve malfunction stomach acid actually rises up into the esophagus and this results in a chronic burning sensation in the throat and chest area and can lead to a multitude of secondary conditions. GERD … Continued

My Yoga Instructor Asked Me To Do What?

By Lori Ferry’ RYT, Reiki Master Teacher   A Yoga class often begins with the instructor inviting students to silently “set an intention”.  In my very first yoga class, I heard the phrase, “set your intention”  and literally thought to myself, “What does THAT mean”? What is an intention? An intention can be something deeply … Continued

Yogic Breathing to Reduce Anxiety

by Michelle Jellinghaus, RYT Anxiety springs from an agitated mind. The second Sutra in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra (an ancient text containing a series of briefly stated yogic truths) defines yoga as “the stilling of the changing states of the mind.” All yoga practices have this mental steadiness as their goal – asana, pranayama, meditation – all … Continued