Three Supplements to Promote Prevention

A wise man once said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  Let AIM be your go to place for anything that ails you, but once that is over, let us help you live the best, most prevention based lifestyle you can! 

Why Integrative Health Matters: A Case Study and Recipe

By Dr. Lisa A. Price, ND Several years ago, a stage IV prostate cancer patient, who I will call Stan, came to me for complementary care. I have been fortunate to work in cancer centers that are progressive and honor the importance of safe alternative therapies in conjunction with conventional medicine. Stan was receiving the … Continued

Overcoming the Holiday Excess: Liver Edition

The holiday season is in full swing, and the next few weeks will bring lots of opportunity for excess alcohol consumption and intoxication. Let’s face it, after the year we’ve had, I don’t think anyone would blame you, except possibly your liver!

Skin in the Game

While this is, in fact, the medical definition of our skin and, honestly, what this article is about, I also like the definition: “the life or physical well-being of a person.”

What’s the best IV to get right now: AIM Multi-Vitamin or AIM Anti-Viral?

by Dr. Daniel Riordan IV, ND With COVID in the news and promising research on High Dose Vitamin C, Patients have been asking lately what the big difference is between our AIM “Multi-Vitamin” IVs and AIM “Anti-Viral” IV’s, and which one might be better during this pandemic. The main difference is the amount of Vitamin … Continued

Why Integrative Health Matters: A Case Study and Recipe

By Dr. Lisa A. Price, ND   Several years ago, a stage IV prostate cancer patient, who I will call Stan, came to me for complementary care. I have been fortunate to work in cancer centers that are progressive and honor the importance of safe alternative therapies in conjunction with conventional medicine. Stan was receiving … Continued