Mind-Body Medicine: What is it and what does it treat?

By AIM Staff Mind-body medicine is just as simple as it sounds – and as complex. In short, there is a link between our body and our mind.  Think about when you are stressed or nervous and your stomach hurts or you “felt butterflies”.  That is all coming from our mind, having a physical impact … Continued

Yogic Breathing to Reduce Anxiety

by Michelle Jellinghaus, RYT Anxiety springs from an agitated mind. The second Sutra in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra (an ancient text containing a series of briefly stated yogic truths) defines yoga as “the stilling of the changing states of the mind.” All yoga practices have this mental steadiness as their goal – asana, pranayama, meditation – all … Continued

Yoga for Anxiety

By Lori Ferry’, RYT & Reiki Master Teacher   Practicing yoga can not only be an effective stress reliever, but also a way to ease symptoms of anxiety. By consciously focusing the attention on the breath and the body simultaneously, yoga can help to relieve anxiety while also releasing physical tension. Stress can reveal itself … Continued