December’s Newsletter is all about our Hair!

This month, our providers have been hard at work on articles about a very scary theme: hair loss. Even thinking about this is enough to frighten us, as no one likes seeing thinning or receding hair.  But, is there anything we can do to prevent this from happening?  The answer is, in many cases, yes. … Continued

Eczema and Psoriasis—Natural Approaches

By Dr. Alison Kerns Eczema and psoriasis are two of the most challenging chronic, everyday skin conditions encountered in dermatology. Both eczema and psoriasis tend to have a genetic component and they can be triggered by stress and environmental factors. Neither condition is contagious nor infections and they cannot be transmitted by external contact or … Continued

Yoga as a Means of Easing Heartburn or GERD

by Shannon Funk, RYT GERD, also known as acid reflux or acid indigestion, is a common condition where because of a valve malfunction stomach acid actually rises up into the esophagus and this results in a chronic burning sensation in the throat and chest area and can lead to a multitude of secondary conditions. GERD … Continued

My Yoga Instructor Asked Me To Do What?

By Lori Ferry’ RYT, Reiki Master Teacher   A Yoga class often begins with the instructor inviting students to silently “set an intention”.  In my very first yoga class, I heard the phrase, “set your intention”  and literally thought to myself, “What does THAT mean”? What is an intention? An intention can be something deeply … Continued

Yoga for Anxiety

By Lori Ferry’, RYT & Reiki Master Teacher   Practicing yoga can not only be an effective stress reliever, but also a way to ease symptoms of anxiety. By consciously focusing the attention on the breath and the body simultaneously, yoga can help to relieve anxiety while also releasing physical tension. Stress can reveal itself … Continued

The Hype About Hypertension

by Dr. Brooke Azie-Rentz, ND   High blood pressure is defined as a reading above 140/90 for 3 separate measurements.  We all know that age, race and family history contribute to this diagnosis, but what habits and lifestyle choices do we make that may also contribute to this potential killer?   Obesity– Yes, we would … Continued

Featured Yoga Pose–Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Yoga Pose)

By Lori Ferry’, RYT and Reiki Master Teacher   This restorative posture gets blood flowing in the opposite direction allowing gravity to reverse the effects on our body, making it good for most any ailment including arthritis, high or low blood pressure, respiratory ailments, and menopause.     Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose Benefits:

Prana Vayu: Uncover the hidden qualities of your heart

By Shannon Funk, RYT Much of yoga practice or breath work or even meditation has a purpose, and that purpose can be very individual, but there seems to be no denying that across the board practitioners tend to feel a sense of opening into their center, discovering something about themselves in one way or another, … Continued

Reiki is an amazing addition to your healthcare regime!

by Lori Ferry, RYT and Reiki Master Teacher What is Reiki? The awareness that an unseen energy flows through all living things and directly affects the quality of a person’s health has been part of the wisdom of many cultures since ancient times. This life energy goes by many names: qi in China, ki in … Continued